The Canadian Ski Marathon

At 100 miles/160 kilometers, the Canadian Ski Marathon is the longest competitive ski tour in the world. Here is an article describing the event.

The girls had a grand time. Over the two days of the race they skied 85 kilometers, almost 52 miles, with DH right behind them. The marathon is run in stages and by the end of their last section on the first day, at the 40K mark, both girls had developed blisters. Nevertheless they were skiing well and enjoying themselves.

Here they are on their second morning. A bit tired, but cheerful! Both had their feet taped.

They skied 45 kilometers the second day. (To put this in perspective, most ski marathons are 50 kilometers, total.) DH says that only in the last few kilometers did the girls fall back on “the survival shuffle.”

Lucy and Hannah are 13 and 14 and have been friends since they were toddlers. Here they are at a younger age enjoying summer sports.

They are in different grades at school and have different interests. I am so happy for them that skiing has kept them connected.

I am also thrilled for Lucy that she could have such a great weekend with her dad. They rolled in just after 10 PM last night and were asleep in moments.

2 Responses to The Canadian Ski Marathon

  1. Elaine Murphy says:

    Great job Lucy and Hannah!You should be very proud of yourselves….

  2. Jody HB says:

    Way to go Lucy and Hannah!!

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